Sunday, June 1, 2008

None of the Above

I thought I better post something here and this is what is on my mind. The coming presidential election offers, to me, no choice. I read an essay at News with Views yesterday that promoted establishing a choice on the ballot of NONE OF THE ABOVE. I think it is a great idea but to get it implemented would take time...time that we don't have for this election. No matter who is elected, our country is doomed, in my opinion. All three who are contending don't impress me...have radical ideas that will tear our country apart even more than it is. Oh, I am happy that Bush will be gone...but if McCain is elected, it will be more of the same.

McCain is no more a conservative than Hillary! He has proven over and over that he is definitely a RINO and is ideas follow more of a liberal Democrat than any kind of real Republican. Nothing will be done about our current money crisis, which no one talks about. We will still be fighting an illegal war in Iraq. God knows what he plans to do to Iran...that frightens me even more. Our oil prices will still be high; inflation will continue to increase and I see no real end to the housing crisis any time soon. I see that our society will become more and more subject to surveillance by the authorities with law enforecement treating us all like criminals.

Our only hope is for all who really care about this nation is to vote for a third party candidate. Most of the sheeple in this country won't do it though. They are convinced that we have to vote for a Democrat or Republican or otherwise it makes no difference. If that were only true! We do have a chance if we take it. People, wake up!

1 comment:

Seek God's Kingdom said...

McCain is the lesser of "two evils" for lack of a better term.
By voting for a 3rd party you're throwing your vote away. Everyone blames Bush for everything. I wish he could run again. People seem to forget who started this war. To jog yours and others memories - please remember the events of September 11, 2001.

Above all else, God is in control and he will prevail and be triumphant. I am standing on His Promises.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV